差价合约 (""CFDs"") 是复杂工具,并且由于杠杆作用而资本迅速亏损的风险很高。在与该提供商交易差价合约时,82%的零售投资者账户会亏钱。您应该考虑是否了解差价合约是如何运作的,以及您是否有能力承担损失金钱的高风险。

Morning wrap (19.06.2024)

下午1:44 2024年6月19日
  • The S&P 500 closed yesterday session one step closer to the historic all-time high 5,500 level as AI-driven Nvidia surged 3.5% becoming the most valuable company on the Wall Street, surpassing Microsoft. Today we can see futures on US indices slightly higher but both EU and Germany stock futures are losing in 0.15% - 0.2% range
  • Stocks of US technology firms Qualcomm and Dell also gained yesterday and in general better sentiments among technology companies related to AI drive rally on US market while the rest of stocks is not so strong. DJIA ended yesterday session with 0.15% gain. 
  • China's Hang Seng Index ended today's session almost 2% higher, with the announcement of financial market reforms at a forum in Lujiazui supporting sentiment and updated regulations will take effect. Also, China's regulator CSRC announced increased regulation of short selling in the Chinese market and said it would severely punish any irregularities.
  • Although recent data from China's economy came out mixed (higher industrial production, weaker retail sales) investors see hope in improving market standards, fostering interest in the Chinese stock market. Investors are also waiting for more political support from Chinese officials scheduled to meet in July.
  • Korean KOSPI rallied by 1%supported by higher prices of US tech stocks while Japanese stocks were mostly flat. Japanese export in May came in 13.5% YoY growth vs 13% expected and 8.3% previously. Import growth came in 9.4% YoY vs 10.4% expected and 8.3% previously (April) reading
  • Fed members commented US economy yesterday and are still quite optimistic about this year falling inflation trend, but want to wait for more data - to be sure about what's economy is doing. Goolsbee is optimistic about the US economy in the long run and Collins sees chances for both scenarios: one and two cuts this year, but last data points that the US economy is coming into better balance.Fed's Musalem sees that  'artificial intelligence, if adopted widely, will have material productivity impacts over the long term' and does not see any deterioration in the labour market while Federal Reserve sees clearly lingering supply chain issues.
  • Congressional Budget Office forecasts 2024-2034 average US real GDP growth at 1.8% vs 2.0% in February and Q4/!4 dynamic at 2.0% vs 1.5% in February. Next year, the research agency expects US real GDP growing at 2% pace, vs 2.2% in February forecast.
  • CBO expects US fiscal 2024 federal deficit touching $1.915 trillion, (up $408 bln from the February estimates).because of student loans negative impact, new FDIC bank resolutions, Ukraine-Israel aid bill and Medicaid solutions
  • OIL didn't react strongly to API estimates, but is traded near the highest levels since 1 May 2024, above $85 per barrel. US API gasoline change came in -1.077M vs -2.549M previously, while Crude Oil inventories change came in 2.264M barrels vs -2.428M previously. NATGAS rallied from $2.83 since the last rollover to almost $3 per MMBtu amid spreading heat in the United States
  • Chinese EV producer BYD didn't react with decline to Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway decision of selling stock. Tesla cars registrations in Chine are down 9% in Q2.
  • Bitcoin is traded slightly above $65.500 and some altcoins reacted with rebound as Ethereum price came again above important resistance zone at $3500. We can see double-digit gains of Graph and Kyber
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