Traders from Asia launched a new week in downbeat moods. Nikkei dropped almost 0.8%, indices from China traded 0.1-1.1% lower while Kospi finished flat. S&P/ASX 200 gained 0.16%
DAX futures point to a higher opening of the European cash trading session today
Moods improved somewhat following news of a potential Biden-Putin summit
Biden agreed to meet with Putin but only under condition that Russia does not invade Ukraine
Reports of fighting between Ukrainian army and Russian-backed separatist continued over the weekend
Satellite images show continued build-up of Russian troops and equipment near border with Ukraine
Biden will meet with G7 leaders on Ukraine this Thursday
According to Reuters, the United States finished preparing a package of sanctions to levy on Russia in case of an invasion. Those include sanctions on Russian as well as personal sanctions on Putin's top officials and allies
People's Bank of China left 1-year lending rate unchanged
Japanese manufacturing PMI dropped from 55.4 to 52.9 pts in February (exp. 55.0)
South Korean exports increased 13.1% YoY in the first 20 days of February while imports were 12.9% YoY higher. Semiconductor exports increased 18.1% YoY
Cryptocurrencies trade slightly higher on the day. Bitcoin tests $39,000 area while Ethereum trades near $2,700
Oil trades slightly lower at the beginning of a new week. Precious metals drop as well
AUD and NZD are the best performing major currencies while JPY and USD lag the most
Russian ruble is trading higher at the beginning of a new week. USDRUB currency pair is pulling back from a mid-term resistance zone ranging below 77.00 handle. The pair is currently trying to break back below the 200-hour moving average (purple line). Source: xStation5
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