Stocks in Asia moved higher during today's session. Nikkei added 0.3%, S&P/ASX 200 gained 0.26% and indices from China rose. On the other hand, Kospi dropped 0.2%
DAX futures point to a higher opening of the European session
Daily number of confirmed coronavirus cases exceeded 700 thousand for the first time on Friday. Number of active cases (people currently infected) crossed 20 million. Over 50 million people recovered so far
EU and UK decided to continue Brexit talks
Media reports surfaced saying that German government is looking towards tougher coronavirus restrictions
US FDA approved Pfizer's vaccine for emergency use. Trump and other White House officials will be offered to vaccinate this week
US Senate approved one-week stopgap bill and Donald Trump signed it
US Treasury has been a target of a hacker attack and some information on internet policy and telecoms is said to have been stolen
Trial of Sinopharm vaccine has been suspended in Peru after an adverse event
China plans to set a cap on coal price
Oil is trading higher following weekend news - pipeline in second largest refinery in Iran caught fire while a crude cargo ship exploded in important Saudi Arabia port
Precious metals trade mixed with gold and silver dropping while platinum and palladium gains
AUD and EUR are top moving major currencies. JPY, CAD and CHF lag the most
Over 700 thousand new coronavirus cases were reported on Friday - a new daily record. Source: worldometers, XTB
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