Apple (AAPL.US) stock turned positive ahead of today’s iPhone event, which is widely believed to be the firm’s biggest show of the year. It is expected that the new device will be called the iPhone 12 and will include 5G wireless connectivity. Moreover, Apple might introduce some of the first design changes since the iPhone X which was released in 2017. The company has not disclosed neither price nor release date of the device yet. The event is set to start at 1:00 p.m ET (6 p.m BST) and will be held entirely online via Apple’s website.
Apple (AAPL.US) investors will pay attention to key event planned for today as the company might focus on superfast 5G technology (provided that the new iPhone has that feature). Bulls try to regain control ahead of the show. At press time shares are already trading above the flatline. The area at $118 remains key support level should sentiment deteriorate again. Source: xStation5
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