What does the star rating system mean on Investment Plans?

Written by Eleana Ntagia

Updated: 2024-06-10 08:25:02

Important: Investment plans are not offered by XTB Ltd (Cy)

We want to be as transparent as possible about each ETF we offer. As part of that dedication, we import the star rating from Morningstar, one of the world’s leading investment research firms. Morningstar has been publishing a star rating system for investment funds since 1999 and their system has been designed using an easily-identifiable scale from one to five stars. Morningstar ratings have helped investors to make more fully informed decisions about which funds to include as part of their portfolios.

Morningstar assigns a one- to five-star ranking to each fund based on past performance relative to peer funds. Star ratings are graded on a curve; the top 10% of funds receive five stars, the next 22.5% receive four stars, the middle 35% receive three stars, the next 22.5% receive two stars and the bottom 10% get one star.

Morningstar Ratings for funds are based on a risk-adjusted return quantitative measure, in line with Morningstar’s global ratings methodology. Morningstar’s qualitative research is separate from the star ratings, and incorporated exclusively in the Morningstar Analyst Rating. Morningstar Ratings are calculated within fundamentally-based fund categories, enabling more robust peer comparisons.

For more information on Morningstar's ratings system, please view their methodology here.

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