Apertura Europea: Bayer vende la unidad sanitaria para animales

06:50 21 de agosto de 2019


  • La renta variable europea, al alza en la sesión actual 
  • El DAX (DE30) alcanza la zona de resistencia a corto plazo
  • Bayer (BAYN.DE) vende su unidad sanitaria para animales a Elanco


La renta variable europea no se inmuta ante el riesgo de nueva crisis política en Italia. Los beneficios al inicio de la sesión actual a lo largo y ancho del Viejo Continente ponen al frente al FTSE MIB (ITA40). Los 19 subíndices del Euro Stoxx 600 cotizan también en verde, encabezando los sectores de automoción, tecnológico e industrial. 

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Wednesday’s surge brough DE30 to the short-term resistance zone ranging above the 11775 pts handle. In case an upward move is continued, one should pay attention to the 12100 pts handle, which acted as a floor for the index at the turn of July and August. Source: xStation5

Bayer sells animal health unit to Elanco

Elanco Animal Health, international company focusing on veterinary drugs, reached an agreement with Bayer (BAYN.DE) on the purchase of animal health unit. Such a move is in line with Bayer’s strategy to focus on core segments like life science and pharmaceuticals. The deal is valued at $7.6 billion and it breaks down to $5.3 billion and $2.3 billion in Elanco stock. Exact stock price will be determined upon transaction closing date but early estimates hint that Bayer may acquire an up to 20% stake in Elanco through the deal. Bayer announced that it will sell the equity stake over time. Once the transaction is completed, Elanco Animal Health will become the second largest company in veterinary drugs business with Zoetis (ZTS.US) being the only bigger rival.

DAX members at 10:00 am BST. Source: Bloomberg

Other company news

Commerzbank (CBK.DE), the second biggest private bank in Germany, considers closing some of retail branches in order to facilitate cost savings. According to the Handelsblatt report, the lender may reduce the number of retail branches by as much as 100-200. News agency also said that Commerzbank may present new strategy in October.

GEA Group (G1A.DE), the German company operating in the food industry, is trading today thanks to the upgrade it has received at Goldman Sachs. The bank raised recommendation for the stock from “neutral” to “buy” and the price target was boosted from €25 to €30. Goldman Sachs said that it sees as chance for the compound annual growth rate of earnings to reach 20% over the next 2.5 years. The Bank hailed the company's strong balance sheet and operational improvements.

Leoni (LEO.DE) also trades higher today after receiving an upbeat recommendation. HSBC upgraded the German cable manufacturer to “buy”. Price target was set at €11.75, implying 35% increase against yesterday’s close.

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