Risky assets, like equities or commodity currencies, dipped shortly before the Wall Street cash session opened following a report from CNBC on First Republic Bank. According to the media piece, the US government is currently unwilling to intervene to save First Republic Bank. First Republic Bank is on watch after Q1 earnings release highlighted the bank was close to collapse during recent US banking turmoil and that this risk has not waned yet.
S&P 500 futures (US500) dropped around 0.2% on the news. Interestingly, we also saw a move lower in USD with GBPUSD jumping above 1.25 mark and EURUSD moving closer to 1.11 handle. Safe haven flows as well as weaker USD provided fuel for around-0.5% jump on gold market, with precious metal climbing above the $2,000 mark.
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Open real account TRY DEMO Download mobile app Download mobile appGOLD jumped above the 200-hour moving average and $2,000 mark following CNBC report on First Republic Bank. Source: xStation5