A CFD összetett eszköz, Ă©s a tƑkeĂĄttĂ©tel miatt a hirtelen vesztesĂ©g jelentƑs kockĂĄzatĂĄval jĂĄr. EnnĂ©l a szolgĂĄltatĂłnĂĄl a lakossĂĄgi befektetƑi szĂĄmlĂĄk 80%-ĂĄn vesztesĂ©g keletkezik a CFD-kereskedĂ©s sorĂĄn. Fontolja meg, hogy Ă©rti-e a CFD-k mƱködĂ©sĂ©t Ă©s hogy megengedheti-e magĂĄnak a vesztesĂ©g magas kockĂĄzatĂĄt.
A CFD összetett eszköz, Ă©s a tƑkeĂĄttĂ©tel miatt a hirtelen vesztesĂ©g jelentƑs kockĂĄzatĂĄval jĂĄr. EnnĂ©l a szolgĂĄltatĂłnĂĄl a lakossĂĄgi befektetƑi szĂĄmlĂĄk 80%-ĂĄn vesztesĂ©g keletkezik a CFD-kereskedĂ©s sorĂĄn. Fontolja meg, hogy Ă©rti-e a CFD-k mƱködĂ©sĂ©t Ă©s hogy megengedheti-e magĂĄnak a vesztesĂ©g magas kockĂĄzatĂĄt.

📣Fed, BoE and ECB - who will say stop?

16:34 2023. januĂĄr 31.

This week, three major central banks will raise interest rates again. Will either of them announce the possible end of the tightening process?

Decisions will be announced as follows: Fed at 7:00 pm GMT on Wednesday with press conference at 7:30 pm GMT. The Bank of England will then announce its decision at 12:00 pm  GMT on Thursday with a press conference at 12.30pm GMT. Later on, at 1:15 pm GMT also on Thursday, the ECB decision will be published and the press conference will take place at 1:45 PM GMT.

Current interest rates in Canada, USA, UK and Eurozone. The Bank of Canada was the first of the central banks of developed countries to announce the end of hikes. Will any of the three remaining banks give any signals that the end of rate hikes is approaching during the upcoming meetings? Source: Bloomberg, XTB

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Fed decision

Market expectations are clear – the Fed will again reduce the pace of rate hikes to 25 bp. Moreover, the market expects the Fed to raise rates to maximum 5% with the current rate of 4.5%. On the other hand, the Fed has repeatedly communicated that it wants rates above 5% to bring it to a restrictive level. Moreover, recent financial conditions in the US have clearly improved and are not as tight as before, even compared to 2018, when the previous series of hikes took place. Financial conditions in the euro area, on the other hand, are assessed as very restrictive, even despite significantly lower interest rates. The Fed will most likely remain hawkish on February 1, although some signals may emerge that the Fed is approaching the moment of assessing the impact of hikes on the economy. Waller recently pointed out that interest rates will be considered restrictive when they are 1.5-2.0% higher than the inflation expectations, which is expected to reach 3.1% at the end of this year. That would mean the Fed could end the hikes at 5%.

Financial conditions in the US are considered by the market as relatively mild, even despite the interest rate of 4.5%. Source: Bloomberg, XTB

Bank of England

The BoE will most likely raise rates by 50 basis points to 4%, while the market expects a peak of slightly below 4.5%. This would mean a possible slowdown at the next meetings. It is worth remembering that decision makers in the BoE are strongly divided in their opinions and recently as many as two members wanted to keep rates at current levels. This may mean that the interest rate peak is actually very close, even though the labor market is in very good shape. On the other hand, the UK economy may perform quite poorly in the near term.

European Central Bank

Christine Lagarde has made it clear that the bank will support strong rate hikes. The ECB is lagging behind other banks in terms of tightening, so the ECB is likely to remain heavily hawkish at its next meeting, which should benefit the euro. Moreover, recent data point to an acceleration in inflation, although this is due to the cancellation of tax exemptions that took place during the pandemic and strong price increases. EMU GDP remains positive, which will allow the ECB to uphold its hawkish rhetoric. However, it cannot be ruled out that the ECB will announce that after the hike in February and March it will consider limiting further moves. The current ECB deposit rate is 2% and an increase of 50 bps is expected. Lagarde announced in December that we are facing a series of increases at this level.

Trading conditions for the euro area improved significantly thanks to a significant fall in gas and other commodity prices. This could mean further support for the euro, both from the ECB and market conditions. Source: Bloomberg, XTB
EURUSD pair has lost some momentum recently but remains well above 1.0800. A hawkish Fed may push the pair below this area and the lower limit of the ascending channel. Moreover, yields point to further strengthening of USdollar, although on Thursday attention will be focused on European yields and the ECB's comments. Source: xStation5

The British pound performed well against the dollar, but this was mainly due to the weakness of the US currency. On the other hand, EURGBP has been in an uptrend since March last year. We are currently above the midpoint of the consolidation that started in 2016, but most likely the UK's economic problems will cause further problems for the pound, so another upward impulse towards the 0.90 level cannot be ruled out. Source: xStation5

Ezen tartalmat az XTB S.A. kĂ©szĂ­tette, amelynek szĂ©khelye VarsĂłban talĂĄlhatĂł a következƑ cĂ­men, Prosta 67, 00-838 VarsĂł, LengyelorszĂĄg (KRS szĂĄm: 0000217580), Ă©s a lengyel pĂ©nzĂŒgyi hatĂłsĂĄg (KNF) felĂŒgyeli (sz. DDM-M-4021-57-1/2005). Ezen tartalom a 2014/65/EU irĂĄnyelvĂ©nek, ami az EurĂłpai Parlament Ă©s a TanĂĄcs 2014. mĂĄjus 15-i hatĂĄrozata a pĂ©nzĂŒgyi eszközök piacairĂłl , 24. cikkĂ©nek (3) bekezdĂ©se , valamint a 2002/92 / EK irĂĄnyelv Ă©s a 2011/61 / EU irĂĄnyelv (MiFID II) szerint marketingkommunikĂĄciĂłnak minƑsĂŒl, tovĂĄbbĂĄ nem minƑsĂŒl befektetĂ©si tanĂĄcsadĂĄsnak vagy befektetĂ©si kutatĂĄsnak. A marketingkommunikĂĄciĂł nem befektetĂ©si ajĂĄnlĂĄs vagy informĂĄciĂł, amely befektetĂ©si stratĂ©giĂĄt javasol a következƑ rendeleteknek megfelelƑen, Az EurĂłpai Parlament Ă©s a TanĂĄcs 596/2014 / EU rendelete (2014. ĂĄprilis 16.) a piaci visszaĂ©lĂ©sekrƑl (a piaci visszaĂ©lĂ©sekrƑl szĂłlĂł rendelet), valamint a 2003/6 / EK eurĂłpai parlamenti Ă©s tanĂĄcsi irĂĄnyelv Ă©s a 2003/124 / EK bizottsĂĄgi irĂĄnyelvek hatĂĄlyon kĂ­vĂŒl helyezĂ©sĂ©rƑl / EK, 2003/125 / EK Ă©s 2004/72 / EK, valamint az (EU) 2016/958 bizottsĂĄgi felhatalmazĂĄson alapulĂł rendelet (2016. mĂĄrcius 9.) az 596/2014 / EU eurĂłpai parlamenti Ă©s tanĂĄcsi rendeletnek a szabĂĄlyozĂĄsi technikai szabĂĄlyozĂĄs tekintetĂ©ben törtĂ©nƑ kiegĂ©szĂ­tĂ©sĂ©rƑl a befektetĂ©si ajĂĄnlĂĄsok vagy a befektetĂ©si stratĂ©giĂĄt javaslĂł vagy javaslĂł egyĂ©b informĂĄciĂłk objektĂ­v bemutatĂĄsĂĄra, valamint az egyes Ă©rdekek vagy összefĂ©rhetetlensĂ©g utĂĄni jelek nyilvĂĄnossĂĄgra hozatalĂĄnak technikai szabĂĄlyaira vonatkozĂł szabvĂĄnyok vagy egyĂ©b tanĂĄcsadĂĄs, ideĂ©rtve a befektetĂ©si tanĂĄcsadĂĄst is, az A pĂ©nzĂŒgyi eszközök kereskedelmĂ©rƑl szĂłlĂł, 2005. jĂșlius 29-i törvĂ©ny (azaz a 2019. Ă©vi Lap, mĂłdosĂ­tott 875 tĂ©tel). Ezen marketingkommunikĂĄciĂł a legnagyobb gondossĂĄggal, tĂĄrgyilagossĂĄggal kĂ©szĂŒlt, bemutatja azokat a tĂ©nyeket, amelyek a szerzƑ szĂĄmĂĄra a kĂ©szĂ­tĂ©s idƑpontjĂĄban ismertek voltak , valamint mindenfĂ©le Ă©rtĂ©kelĂ©si elemtƑl mentes. A marketingkommunikĂĄciĂł az ÜgyfĂ©l igĂ©nyeinek, az egyĂ©ni pĂ©nzĂŒgyi helyzetĂ©nek figyelembevĂ©tele nĂ©lkĂŒl kĂ©szĂŒl, Ă©s semmilyen mĂłdon nem terjeszt elƑ befektetĂ©si stratĂ©giĂĄt. A marketingkommunikĂĄciĂł nem minƑsĂŒl semmilyen pĂ©nzĂŒgyi eszköz eladĂĄsi, felajĂĄnlĂĄsi, feliratkozĂĄsi, vĂĄsĂĄrlĂĄsi felhĂ­vĂĄsĂĄnak, hirdetĂ©sĂ©nek vagy promĂłciĂłjĂĄnak. Az XTB S.A. nem vĂĄllal felelƑssĂ©get az ÜgyfĂ©l ezen marketingkommunikĂĄciĂłban foglalt informĂĄciĂłk alapjĂĄn tett cselekedeteiĂ©rt vagy mulasztĂĄsaiĂ©rt, kĂŒlönösen a pĂ©nzĂŒgyi eszközök megszerzĂ©sĂ©Ă©rt vagy elidegenĂ­tĂ©sĂ©Ă©rt. Abban az esetben, ha a marketingkommunikĂĄciĂł bĂĄrmilyen informĂĄciĂłt tartalmaz az abban megjelölt pĂ©nzĂŒgyi eszközökkel kapcsolatos eredmĂ©nyekrƑl, azok nem jelentenek garanciĂĄt vagy elƑrejelzĂ©st a jövƑbeli eredmĂ©nyekkel kapcsolatban.

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SĂŒtiket hasznĂĄlunk

Az „Összes elfogadĂĄsa” gombra kattintva elfogadja a sĂŒtik tĂĄrolĂĄsĂĄt az eszközĂ©n, a webhelyen valĂł navigĂĄciĂł javĂ­tĂĄsa, a webhelyhasznĂĄlat elemzĂ©se Ă©s a marketing tevĂ©kenysĂ©geink tĂĄmogatĂĄsa Ă©rdekĂ©ben.

Ez a csoport a weboldalunkhoz szĂŒksĂ©ges sĂŒtiket tartalmaz. Ezek olyan funkciĂłban vesznek rĂ©szt, mint a nyelvi beĂĄllĂ­tĂĄsok, a forgalomelosztĂĄs vagy a felhasznĂĄlĂłi munkamenet megtartĂĄsa. Ezek a sĂŒtik nem tilthatĂłk le.

SĂŒti nĂ©v
userBranchSymbol LejĂĄrati dĂĄtum 2024. mĂĄrcius 2.
adobe_unique_id LejĂĄrati dĂĄtum 2025. mĂĄrcius 1.
test_cookie LejĂĄrati dĂĄtum 2022. szeptember 8.
SESSID LejĂĄrati dĂĄtum 2024. mĂĄrcius 2.
__hssc LejĂĄrati dĂĄtum 2022. szeptember 8.
__cf_bm LejĂĄrati dĂĄtum 2022. szeptember 8.
intercom-id-iojaybix LejĂĄrati dĂĄtum 2024. november 26.
intercom-session-iojaybix LejĂĄrati dĂĄtum 2024. mĂĄrcius 8.

Olyan eszközöket hasznĂĄlunk, amelyek segĂ­tsĂ©gĂ©vel elemezhetjĂŒk oldalunk hasznĂĄlatĂĄt. Az ilyen adatok segĂ­tsĂ©gĂ©vel tudjuk javĂ­tani a webszolgĂĄltatĂĄsunk felhasznĂĄlĂłi Ă©lmĂ©nyĂ©t.

SĂŒti nĂ©v
_gid LejĂĄrati dĂĄtum 2022. szeptember 9.
_gat_UA-68597847-1 LejĂĄrati dĂĄtum 2022. szeptember 8.
_gat_UA-121192761-1 LejĂĄrati dĂĄtum 2022. szeptember 8.
_ga_CBPL72L2EC LejĂĄrati dĂĄtum 2026. mĂĄrcius 1.
_ga LejĂĄrati dĂĄtum 2026. mĂĄrcius 1.
UserMatchHistory LejĂĄrati dĂĄtum 2024. mĂĄrcius 31.
AnalyticsSyncHistory LejĂĄrati dĂĄtum 2024. mĂĄrcius 31.
__hstc LejĂĄrati dĂĄtum 2023. mĂĄrcius 7.

Ez a sĂŒti-csoport arra szolgĂĄl, hogy az Önt Ă©rdeklƑ tĂ©mĂĄk hirdetĂ©seit jelenĂ­tse meg. TovĂĄbbĂĄ lehetƑvĂ© teszi marketingtevĂ©kenysĂ©geink nyomon követĂ©sĂ©t, Ă©s segĂ­t mĂ©rni hirdetĂ©seink teljesĂ­tmĂ©nyĂ©t.

SĂŒti nĂ©v
MUID LejĂĄrati dĂĄtum 2025. mĂĄrcius 26.
_omappvp LejĂĄrati dĂĄtum 2035. februĂĄr 11.
_omappvs LejĂĄrati dĂĄtum 2024. mĂĄrcius 1.
_uetsid LejĂĄrati dĂĄtum 2024. mĂĄrcius 2.
_uetvid LejĂĄrati dĂĄtum 2025. mĂĄrcius 26.
_fbp LejĂĄrati dĂĄtum 2024. mĂĄjus 30.
fr LejĂĄrati dĂĄtum 2022. december 7.
_ttp LejĂĄrati dĂĄtum 2025. mĂĄrcius 26.
_tt_enable_cookie LejĂĄrati dĂĄtum 2025. mĂĄrcius 26.
_ttp LejĂĄrati dĂĄtum 2025. mĂĄrcius 26.
hubspotutk LejĂĄrati dĂĄtum 2023. mĂĄrcius 7.

EbbƑl a csoportbĂłl szĂĄrmazĂł sĂŒtik eltĂĄroljĂĄk az oldal hasznĂĄlata sorĂĄn megadott beĂĄllĂ­tĂĄsokat, Ă­gy azok egy idƑ utĂĄn mĂĄr fognak megjelenni, amikor meglĂĄtogatja az oldalt.

SĂŒti nĂ©v
bcookie LejĂĄrati dĂĄtum 2025. mĂĄrcius 1.
lidc LejĂĄrati dĂĄtum 2024. mĂĄrcius 2.
bscookie LejĂĄrati dĂĄtum 2025. mĂĄrcius 1.
li_gc LejĂĄrati dĂĄtum 2024. augusztus 28.

Ez az oldal sĂŒtiket hasznĂĄl. A sĂŒtik az Ön böngĂ©szƑjĂ©ben tĂĄrolt fĂĄjlok, amelyeket a legtöbb webhely az internetes Ă©lmĂ©ny szemĂ©lyre szabĂĄsĂĄhoz hasznĂĄl. TovĂĄbbi informĂĄcióért tekintse meg AdatvĂ©delmi nyilatkozatunkat. A sĂŒtiket a "BeĂĄllĂ­tĂĄsok" opciĂłra kattintva kezelheti. Ha elfogadja a sĂŒtik hasznĂĄlatĂĄt, kattintson az „Összes elfogadĂĄsa” gombra.

RĂ©giĂł Ă©s nyelv mĂłdosĂ­tĂĄsa
LakĂłhely szerinti orszĂĄg