01:30 PM GMT, United States - Employment Data for February:
- Private Nonfarm Payrolls: actual 140K; forecast 142K; previous 81K;
- Nonfarm Payrolls: actual 151K; forecast 159K; previous 125K;
- Average Hourly Earnings: actual 0.3% MoM; forecast 0.3% MoM; previous 0.4% MoM;
- Average Hourly Earnings: actual 4.0% YoY; forecast 4.1% YoY; previous 3.9% YoY;
- Participation Rate: actual 62.4%; previous 62.6%;
- Unemployment Rate: actual 4.1%; forecast 4.0%; previous 4.0%;
- Government Payrolls: actual 11.0K; previous 44.0K;

The data has come out strong, significantly above expectations. We are seeing a positive market reaction to the release. The dollar is not experiencing major changes, while stock indexes have rebounded slightly. The rise in the stock market suggests that investors were recently worried about a slowdown in the U.S. economy. Now, better job market data is providing relief rather than sparking concerns about a more restrictive stance from the Fed.
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