Informácie pre klientov

streda - 20. apríla 2016

Rollover on NATGAS, OIL

Dear Client,

Today, at the end of trading day NATGAS and OIL underlying instruments will change their delivery dates.

Current difference between prices of futures with consecutive delivery terms is:

- NATGAS approx. 0,1 USD

- OIL approx. -0,11 USD

It means that if nothing occurs between today's closing and tomorrow’s opening, open price for NATGAS should be higher, and lower for remaining mentioned instruments by given values.

Change of position value connected with base change will be corrected by swap points equal to base value.

Clients with limit and stop orders close to current price are kindly requested to adjust their position to changes in base value. Otherwise stop and limit orders will be executed according to standard procedure.

In order to check the dates when rollovers will apply you can visit our rollover table.

Should you have any question do not hesitate to contact us.

XTB Team

piatok - 15. apríla 2016

Rollovers, holidays and dividends in the following week

Dear Clients,

Please see below events that could affect your trading for the next week:


20.04 – Wednesday – NATGAS, OIL

Due to national holidays trading on the following instruments will be cancelled:

19.04 – Tuesday – INDIA50

21.04 – Thursday – BRAComp

Equity Dividends (Paid in Cash):


19.04 – Tuesday – ABE.ES, ING.PL, MC.FR, TL5.ES

20.04 - Wednesday -  APA.US, CL.US, CVS.US, PNR.US, SM.US, TSU.US, TYC.US



Please contact us if you have any questions.

XTB Team


Technical Maintenance 15.04.2016

Dear Clients,

Due to technical maintenance our xStation and Client Office systems will be shut off from 22:00 15.04.2016 until Saturday morning.

Should you have any question do not hesitate to contact us.

XTB Team


Rollover on FRA40, SPA35, NED25

Dear Clients,

Today, there is a change of delivery date for FRA40. SPA35 and NED25 instruments. Clients who have open positions will be credited or debited with proper swap points amounts.

These are:

- FRA40, 750 swap points for long position; -750 swap points for short position
- SPA35,  80 swap points for long position; -80 swap points for short position
- NED25, 660 swap points for long position; -660 swap points for short position

In order to check the dates when rollovers will apply you can visit our rollover table.

Should you have any question do not hesitate to contact us.

XTB Team

štvrtok - 14. apríla 2016

UPDATE Rollover on FRA40, SPA35, NED25

There is an update concerning rollover of FRA40 underlying instrument. 

Previous incorrect version:

FRA40, approx. 75,5 index points 

Updated correct version

FRA40, approx. -75,5 index points

Please find the updated news about rollover below:

Today, at the end of trading day FRA40, SPA35 and NED25 underlying instruments will change their delivery dates. Current difference between prices of futures with consecutive delivery terms is:

- FRA40, approx. -75,5 index points
- SPA35, approx. -76 index points
- NED25, approx. -6,65

It means that if nothing occurs between today's closing and tomorrow’s opening, open price for FRA40, SPA35 and NED25 should be lower by given values.

Change of position value connected with base change will be corrected by swap points equal to base value. Clients with limit and stop orders close to current price are kindly requested to adjust their position to changes in base value. Otherwise stop and limit orders will be executed according to standard procedure.

In order to check the dates when rollovers will apply you can visit our rollover table.

Should you have any question do not hesitate to contact us.

XTB Team



streda - 13. apríla 2016

Rollover on OIL.WTI

Dear Clients,

Today, at the end of trading day OIL.WTI underlying instruments will change their delivery dates. Current difference between prices of futures with consecutive delivery terms is:

- OIL.WTI, approx. 1,36 USD

It means that if nothing occurs between today's closing and tomorrow’s opening, open price for OIL.WTI should be higher by given values.

Change of position value connected with base change will be corrected by swap points equal to base value. Clients with limit and stop orders close to current price are kindly requested to adjust their position to changes in base value. Otherwise stop and limit orders will be executed according to standard procedure.

In order to check the dates when rollovers will apply you can visit our rollover table.

Should you have any question do not hesitate to contact us.

XTB Team

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