Trading News

Freitag - 30. Oktober 2015

Rollovers, holidays and dividends in the following week

Dear Clients,

Please see below events that could affect your trading for the next week:

Thursday 05.11 - OILs, COCOA

Due to national holidays trading on following instruments will be cancelled:
Monday 02.11 – BRAComp, MEXComp
Tuesday 03.11 – JAP225
Wednesday 04.11 – RUS50

Equity CFD dividends (paid in cash):
Monday 02.11 - FMX.US
Thursday 05.11 - AAPL.US, BARC.UK, BP.UK
Friday 06.11 - IBM.US

Monday 02.11 - HPQ.US

On Monday we are going back to regular trading hours on Equity CFD US & ETF US that is 15:30 - 22:00.

Donnerstag - 29. Oktober 2015

Important Notification regarding changes to some of our markets

Dear Trader,

We would like to inform you that we are making some changes to our amendments in our offer from Thursday 5th November 2015. Below we have detailed a summary of these changes.

Summary of changes:

- A minimum notional order value of 100 EUR will be implemented on all Equity CFDs from Spain, Italy, Germany, Portugal and France as well as EU ETFs

- A minimum notional order value of 100 GBP will be implemented on our Equity CFDs from the UK.

- A minimum notional order value of 50 USD will be implemented on our Equity CFDs from the US (including ETFs).

- We are changing the level of commissions applied for PRO accounts.
The new commission rates charged per open lot will be 3 GBP/4,5 EUR/5 USD/ 1400 HUF / 19 PLN  for 1 Lot.
The commissions charged per closed lot will be 3 GBP/4,5 EUR/5 USD/ 1400 HUF / 19 PLN  for 1 Lot.

- We have removed LG.FR from our French Equity CFD offering

- We have changed the Trading hours of the following instruments:

US100    00:05 am – 11:00 pm
US30      00:05 am – 11:00 pm
US500    00:05 am – 11:00 pm

Our Margin Table will also have some changes that we encourage you to check. All the modifications and updates will be reflected on our website.

For more information about all of our markets simply visit the range of markets section on our website.

Please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Support Team or your Account Manager if you have any questions about these changes.

Kind regards,

The XTB UK team


Rollover on INDIA50

Dear Clients,

Today, there is a change of delivery date for INDIA50 instruments. Clients who have open positions will be credited or debited with proper swap points amounts.

These are:

- INDIA50, -387 swap points for long position; 387 swap points for short position

In order to check the dates when rollovers will apply you can visit our rollover table.

Should you have any question do not hesitate to contact us.

XTB Team

Mittwoch - 28. Oktober 2015

Time change in USA

Dear Clients,

Due to the switch to winter time in USA trade hours for some instruments are subject to change. These are:

US30, US100, US500 – 00:05 – 22:15 and 22:35 – 23:15

US2000 – 4:05 – 00:00

OIL.WTI – 2:05 – 23:00

TNOTE – 00:35 – 23:00

SUGAR – 9:30 – 19:00

COFFEE - 10:15 - 19:30

COTTON – 8:30 – 20:20

COCOA – 10:45 – 19:30

WHEAT, CORN, SOYBEAN - 2:05- 14:45 and 15:35 - 20:00

NATGAS – 8:30 – 23:00

VOLX – 15:35 – 22:15

Trading on GOLD, GOLDs, GOLDs., XAUUSD.., SILVER, SILVERs, SILVERs., XAGUUSD.. will begin on Monday (the 2nd of November) at 00:05.

Equity CFD based on US stocks - 15:30 - 22:00

GOLD and GOLDs will be quoted with spread amounted to 200 pips between 23:00-00:00

All hours in CET. The remaining instruments are traded as usual.

Kind Regards,

XTB Team


Rollover on INDIA50

Dear Client,

Today at the end of trading day INDIA50 underlying instrument will change their delivery dates. Current difference between prices of futures with consecutive delivery terms is:

- INDIA50 approx. 38 index points

It means that if nothing occurs between today's closing and tomorrow’s opening, open price for INDIA50 should be higher by given values.

Change of position value connected with base change will be corrected by swap points equal to base value. Clients with limit and stop orders close to current price are kindly requested to adjust their position to changes in base value. Otherwise stop and limit orders will be executed according to standard procedure.

In order to check the dates when rollovers will apply you can visit our rollover table.

Should you have any question do not hesitate to contact us.

XTB Team

Dienstag - 27. Oktober 2015

Rollover on HKComp and CHNComp

Dear Clients,

Today, there is a change of delivery date for HKComp and CHNComp instruments. Clients who have open positions will be credited or debited with proper swap points amounts.

These are:

- HKComp, 5 swap points for long position; -5 swap points for short position
- CHNComp, -11 swap points for long position; 11 swap points for short position

In order to check the dates when rollovers will apply you can visit our rollover table.

Should you have any question do not hesitate to contact us.

XTB Team

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