Time change in USA
Dear Clients,
Due to the switch to winter time in USA trade hours for some instruments are subject to change. These are:
US30, US.30, US.30., US.30.., US.30+ - 00:05 – 22:15 and 22:30 – 23:00
US100, US.100, US.100., US.100.., US.100+ - 00:05 – 22:15 and 22:30 – 23:00
US500, US.500, US.500., US.500.., US.500+ - 00:05 – 22:15 and 22:30 – 23:00
US2000, US2000., US2000.., US2000+ - 04:05 - 24:00
OIL.WTI, OIL.WTI., OIL.WTI.., OIL.WTI+ - 02:05 – 23:00
TNOTE, TNOTE., TNOTE.., TNOTE+ - 00:35 - 23:00
SUGAR, SUGARs, SUGARs., SUGARs.., SUGARs+ - 09:30- 19:00
COFFEE, COFFEE., COFFEE.., COFFEE+ - 10:15 - 19:30
COTTON, COTTONs, COTTONs., COTTONs.., COTTONs+ - 08:30 - 20:20
COCOA, COCOA., COCOA.., COCOA+ - 10:45 - 19:30
WHEAT, WHEAT., WHEAT.., WHEAT+ - - 02:05 - 14:45 and 15:35 - 20:00
CORN, CORN., CORN.., CORN+ - - 02:05 - 14:45 and 15:35 - 20:00
SOYBEAN, SOYBEAN., SOYBEAN.., SOYBEAN+ - 02:05 - 14:45 and 15:35 - 20:00
NATGAS, NATGAS., NATGAS.., NATGAS+ - 08:30 - 23:00
VOLX, VOLX., VOLX.., VOLX+ - 15:35 - 22:15
XAGUSD.., SILVER, SILVERs, SILVERs., SILVERs+ – 00:00 – 23:00
XAUUSD.., GOLD, GOLDs, GOLDs., GOLDs+ – 00:00 – 23:00
DE30.cash, EU50.cash, FRA40.cash, ITA40.cash, SPA35.cash UK100.cash, US100.cash, US30.cash, US500.cash – 00:00 – 23:00
Equity CFD US, Equity ETF US - 15:30 - 22:00
All hours in CET. The remaining instruments are traded as usual.